You have been sent an invitation email with a link in it. The email is usually sent within a couple of hours (during business hours) after returning your signed order form. Please keep an eye on your junk folder. You can also find the link on our website.
To complete the registration to the platform you will need to:
- Step 1: Click the registration link in the invite email.
- Step 2: Complete and submit the Registration Form.
To register, we will be required to fill in:
- First Name, Last Name, Username and Email Address
- Password
Your password must:
- Contain at least 8 characters
- Contain at least one lower-case letter (a-z)
- Contain at least one upper-case letter (A-Z)
- Contain at least one digit (0-9)
Step 3: Activate the account within 48 hours by clicking on the link in the account activation email that is immediately generated once then you complete the registration form. This link can only be used once. Once your account has been activated you will be able to log in and start enrolling to courses and events on offer in our Course Catalogue.